Christian Baumgartner from response and ability was commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) to analyze the human rights in the tourism industry. The aim was to generate a neutral study on whether states, as well as private businesses, protect people working in the tourism sector from violations of their human rights. All industries, including tourism, share this responsibility to respect human rights, and in the principle of ‘due diligence’, to take measures to avoid human right violations within the whole value chain.
Two on-site visits in Tanzania and the Dominican Republic accompanied the main instruments desktop research and a series of expert and case related interviews. The output was a structure of types of HR violations (type of HR, violators, victims, phase of tourism, ...) the analysis of cases of the last 10-15 years and the development of recommendations for the private sector (tourism businesses), governments and donor organizations.
